
I consider myself as the most irresistible girl ever. I wouldn't turn NO for an answer. Everything has to be perfect. Not that I'm claiming that I am and not to brag, I'd rather be realistic other than being plastic. So I am bad on controlling my anger nowadays and seems like everything is pissing me off. At some point, I reached to my thoughts where I needed to get bald. Whatsoever, it is my decisions tho. Alas, this is the only way that might be helping me out... I've been feeling that all of my burdens/anger/hatred is hanging on my hair. And by cutting it down might be the only way for me not to get crazy.

Hm, Its been awhile since I posted "as I got cancer". I needed time.. Time.. Time.. And Time.. I haven't been inspired lately. Its like my whole mind just shut down.