"Money does not grow on trees, but money is made out of paper. So money does come from trees!"
I had breakfast, lunch and dinner with greens. I literally had them for snack too. I am a vegetarian for awhile until this "sickness" will go away. I am maybe a bit 'rough' with what I ate and had damaged my body systems. Which was odd because I thought you're immune with 'rought' food dear tummy well I guess there is some soft spots in me after all. Figured. I am sick. I am aware of it but I endure it. I'd rather have baby carrots for snacks now. It is more healthier other than wasting money on food which I can't afford to buy. Oh I forgot to mention. Exam is over now, so back to curricular activities. But I rather much prefer to stay at home, because I don't like my skin to get tanned or burn. I like to stay pale and white-skin. So vegetables might be helping me in some sort of way. Anyway, I am demand for food however for now I am not allow to eat real food. I have to eat greens instead. x