
You do know how to play with words or even dress them with sugarcoats to make yourself feels better. I notice that. By all means you did it to be confident in yourself, wisely said. Bragging and such won't lead you no where it's embarrassing. I know because I tried it once and I humiliates myself especially for those who will remembers everything that you had said. I should better stick to one, my forte. I think I am a  tad of old fashioned just stick to that, there is no need to be young when you'd know being hyper active, in love with enjoyable treats would one day kills you if you sits alone doing nothing at home. I am a creep though, I may swings my words but only I know myself better, and I'd stick to that. Who cares if they says I am an old fashioned. I rebel one time about being told that I am not myself. I couldn't accept the truth so I stand up with my ego, pathetic little creature am I? Yet I hit my head AGAIN, and this time I hit my head pretty hard. Get down on my feet and stays there. When the flash backs happened I covered my face with a pillow and laughed alone how stupid of me of trying to fit in with these urban chicks. I am not that, I am easy and simple. I make the trashy out fit vintage. I got my own sense of style. You know who you are you are your own pilot. xx