
Speaking of mistakes I've done plenty. Numerous mistakes I shall not tell, but I do tell I am too made mistakes. Humans by the way are not flawless. They are basic flawed creatures from the ancient time, the key is to learn from it and do not repeat the same mistakes again. 'Liars' lies... Are a drop dead habit. Once you did it you will keep on doing it so even when you thought you did it because to cover up the little other mistakes you've done, maybe being true would sting but it won't last people will not keep it at heart they will forgive however will never be forgotten. Deal with it, you're a coward if you're not able to tell truths instead acted such a brave heart fellow to talk lies. I loath that, gladly speaking though I know truths stings a lot and some people will walk away from your life because of being so truthful then it's their choice. xx